Good health allows individuals to enjoy life, pursue their passions, have the energy and focus to work, learn, contribute to society, good health can lead to improved mood, reduced stress - anxiety - depression , and better cognitive function and engage in activities without limitations.
Dr. Jamal A. Abusuwa, MD is a Family & Urgent-Care Medical Doctor in Oviedo, Florida. He received his medical degree from Uludag University Faculty of Medicine and has been practicing for more than 20 years. Dr. Jamal A. Abusuwa has expertise in treating diabetes, obesity, arthritis, hypertension, among other conditions.
Dr. Jamal A. Abusuwa accepts Medicare, Aetna, Cigna, Blue Cross, United Healthcare, UMR, Tricare & others.
Jamal A. Abusuwa, MD is highly recommended by patients & his expertise encompasses diverse medical fields, including Family Practice, Primary Care Medicine, Urgent Care Medicine, and Outpatient Medicine.
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{A good doctor treats the disease; a great doctor like Dr. Abusuwa treats the patient who has the disease.}
People are encouraged to seek medical treatment while also relying on prayer and supplication to our lord for healing.
Dr. Jamal A. Abusuwa accepts Medicare, Aetna, Cigna, Blue Cross, United Healthcare, UMR, Tricare & others.
Jamal A. Abusuwa, MD is highly recommended by patients & his expertise encompasses diverse medical fields, including Family Practice, Primary Care Medicine, Urgent Care Medicine, and Outpatient Medicine.
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{A good doctor treats the disease; a great doctor like Dr. Abusuwa treats the patient who has the disease.}
People are encouraged to seek medical treatment while also relying on prayer and supplication to our lord for healing.